Tag: Java

  • How to Add Vault Rewards to Minecraft Advancements using Java

    How to Add Vault Rewards to Minecraft Advancements using Java

    Let me explain how I added currency rewards, using Vault, for every Minecraft advancement in a Spigot server with a custom Java plugin. Initial Setup and Enviroment My server runs on the latest version of Paper which is an extension of Spigot. This method will work on both variations. I also installed the latest version…

  • 11 Awesome Titles using PowerRanks – Minecraft Server Update

    11 Awesome Titles using PowerRanks – Minecraft Server Update

    I added player ranks to my Survival Minecraft Server using PowerRanks, a spigot plugin. This will hopefully boost my project’s sustainability. My Setup and Reasoning As you may already know, I run a server on the latest version of Paper. You can check out a detailed article on that by clicking this link. The main…

  • Among Demons Custom Minecraft Plugin for Spigot

    Among Demons Custom Minecraft Plugin for Spigot

    I own a Survival Minecraft server. It’s free to play and you can check it out at amongdemons.com Below I’ll give you more details on the custom Java plugin I built. This is what makes the server unique. What is a Custom Minecraft Plugin for Spigot? For those of you that don’t know, Minecraft is…