Tag: Blockchain

  • Top Crypto Currencies – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dai, Zcash

    Top Crypto Currencies – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dai, Zcash

    Introduction How many of us wake up every morning and type “Bitcoin to USD” in the Google search bar? Ever since the Bitcoin price skyrocketed in late 2017, crypto currencies have dominated the market in a formidable manner. While the trends do tend to fluctuate a bit every day, the general ratings for crypto currencies are…

  • How to Buy Crypto Currency – Coinbase vs Binance

    How to Buy Crypto Currency – Coinbase vs Binance

    As Crypto Currency is getting more and more popular, I’m sure that you would have heard of Bitcoin, the king of Crypto Currency. As the market grows, more and more people are trying to figure out how to buy Crypto Currency. This may not be easy for people who have never made investments in stock…

  • Why Crypto Currency is the Future of Money

    Why Crypto Currency is the Future of Money

    I know this might seem optimistic at first, but it makes sense. Open and decentralized cryptocurrencies solve a lot of our current economic struggles. Do we have a problem with money? Yes, let me explain why. Banks and Gold In the past, every coin had it’s value tied to gold. Gold is considered a scarce…

  • Among Demons Survival Minecraft Server

    Among Demons Survival Minecraft Server

    It all began when I was streaming on Twitch. I played Minecraft and my friends wanted to join. It started from a basic setup to this massive project. For those of you who don’t know, Minecraft is basically online Lego with blocks. It’s the best selling game of all time. The gameplay is simple, yet…